Today we will cover two more of the myths listed in IBM Systems Magazine’s article “Infrastructure Matters: Myth or Truth” as the third part of our five-part series.
The fifth misconception included in the article is that organizations can only take advantage of private or public clouds. IBM Systems Magazine explains that it’s not a one or the other situation. Organizations now have the opportunity to implement hybrid cloud technology. This approach enables them to balance their investments in both on-premise cloud technologies and off-premise public cloud services. The right mix of these technologies can prove to be less expensive than putting your eggs all in one basket.
The next myth is about big data and analytics. It has been thought that since big data and analytics technology is still evolving, it is better to wait on the cloud. This is definitely not true. As stated in the article, with the right infrastructure, an organization can leverage the power of the cloud today. There is no need to wait. Big data and analytics technologies are being used successfully by organizations of all shapes and sizes and across all industries. These technologies are enabling businesses to enhance services, optimize operations, increase profits, and gain a competitive advantage. The time for big data and analytics in the cloud is now.
Watch for our next post highlighting two more misconceptions of cloud infrastructures.