Applications are the lifeblood of your business. Should a power failure or some unforeseen event occur that results in unplanned downtime, it can wreak havoc in the form of the lost priceless data. The ensuing costs to your company can be astronomical and might take years to recoup. Or your business may never recover. Before the advent of cloud recovery technology, a thorough recovery plan was highly complicated and very expensive. Many companies chose to forego a viable data replication plan, believing the costs to be too high.
Flash forward to today: Thanks to advances in cloud technology, replication of critical data is easier and more affordable than ever for enterprises of any size. IT managers no longer have to worry about losing important information as a result of unforeseen downtime; low-cost Real-time Replication makes data protection and continuity fully accessible.
What is Real-time Replication? Simply put, Real-time Replication, also referred to as System Mirroring, is an automated process of copying data from one server to another server simultaneously — in ‘real-time’ — as it is being generated. This replication ensures that the copies are kept in a synchronized manner.
High Availability and Managed Service Providers like SIAS have combined their efforts to devise Real-time Replication solutions that protect data while keeping costs to a minimum. Now the fear of losing data due to an outage or a catastrophic event is virtually eliminated with Real-time Replication. And where data replication was once out of reach for many businesses, SIAS makes it more accessible — and within budget — than ever before.
Since Cloud-based Real-time Replication is fully scalable, it’s designed for small businesses as well as large enterprises. And the bottom line is, well, the bottom line: It’s more cost-efficient because you need fewer resources than you need on your production system. Scale up as required, whenever you need more resources.
In this competitive climate when 24/7 access to data is crucial, accountability is high and downtime just isn’t an option, let SIAS show you the benefits and cost-savings of Cloud-based Real-time Replication, helping your business to succeed today, and tomorrow. Contact your SIAS representative today.